Miss Polly Had a Dolly

An AI generated short film

- Synopsis

In the Sonoran Desert, within a bunker designated for the cryogenic preservation of deceased bodies of some millionaires, two guardians who are also lovers discuss the condition of one of the corpses: her husband.

The images of the frozen body, awaiting the technology to bring it back to life, and the disembodied voices of the protagonists, produced through artificial intelligence, create a ghostly space, a limbo in which the human and the machine appear to merge within the same stream of consciousness.

- Statement

"Miss Polly Had a Dolly" has been entirely generated using artificial intelligence.

No images were captured through traditional filming or animation techniques.

No voices were recorded or sampled: the vocal parodies of Scarlett Johansson and Peter Weller are the result of cloning born from neural networks.

Algorithms also played a role in the screenplay and music production. The short film is the outcome of our interaction with the machine.

- Credits

Directors: Pietro Lafiandra, Flavio Pizzorno, Andrea Rossini

Screenplay: Pietro Lafiandra

Editing: Andrea Rossini

AI Artist: Flavio Pizzorno


Cast: None